Kartra Vs LeadPages

Kartra vs LeadPages

Kartra vs LeadPages: Which Is the Best Overall? (2021)

Find out whether Kartra is better than LeadPages or not Below!


An online business needs a website to boost your web presence. 

Don’t know coding and other technicalities?

No worries! There are stupendous website building pages like Kartra and LeadPages to relieve you of the cumbersome coding problems. The UI-UX is excellent in both with a host of other features.

How to choose which one will suit you the most? I am providing a smooth and comprehensive comparison between Kartra and LeadPages to guide you in the choice.

Check out how both Kartra and LeadPages stack up against each other. Keep reading to find the comparison in the fields of features, prices, advantages and disadvantages.

The Two Titans


Just think of the gamut of web developers, copy writers and content developers you would need to hire to set off on your digital business. A one-in-all marketing solution platform, Kartra, brought to the market by Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime, handles all the details and lets you kickstart your digital business seamlessly. It is a fully cloud based platform and all you need to work on Kartra is a reliable internet connection.

Avail BAM integrated email marketing, membership sites, host and sell online courses and products and handle a protracted range of marketing services from Kartra. It has an excellent helpdesk and supportive affiliate market management.

Kartra also features a calendar app that allows scheduling of appointments, highly converting landing pages and forms and checkout tools. It is easy to use and you may embark on a minimal $1 trial for 14 days before you purchase the plan.


LeadPages is a page building software focused on customer generation and building pages. It comes with a plethora of attractive templates.

Avail the features of CTA with landing pages, lead pages, lead links, and lead boxes. You can handle subscribers with just one click.

Integrated payment options and other integration features with WordPress, analytics with facebook Pixel or Google Analytics also raises the standard of KLeadPages.

Detailed Features of Kartra and LeadPages


1. Membership Portal

Kartra lets you craft a membership site that is customised and automated to suit the needs of your customers and clients. Stream your income through the Kartra membership portal, where you can launch and sell your course content.

It is easy to build with drag and drop features. Create your content, host and sell. Kartra lets you sell course, files, training content under your brand identity. Kartra offers different tiers of membership and you can communicate with your customers through comments.

2. Funnels and Campaigns

Kartra makes your business profits reach sky high levels. You can run automated campaigns to attract the target customers. Generate leads, get sales with these funnels and campaigns.

Run the campaigns just after a few clicks and your business is on the platform. You can and customise such campaigns in your own way. The campaigns include gathering agency, simple list builder, book funnel campaign, squeeze page, four-day cash machine and many more. Each campaign is proven to have high conversion rates.

3. Landing Pages, Forms and Checkouts

Kartra boats of a wide variety of templates for designing beautiful and highly converting pages like home page, checkout page, legal page, 404 page and so on.

The various page templates are designed for product launch, video sales product launch, upsell page, Thank You page and more.

The forms are so designed to promise high conversion and generate leads and automate the sales campaigns. 

Even the checkout page is secure that features an inbuilt shopping card system and payment procedure. 

4. Email Automation and BAM

Kartra is rightfully a one-in-all marketing platform. You can generate automated email or SMS marketing based on customer behaviour. You can get valuable data and analyse that from tags, subscription list, email open or clicks, previous purchases or form submits. Kartra specialises in customising the mails with its integrated BAM feature.

BAM is the most unique feature that provides a personalised experience to the customers based on their profile and affiliation to courses. Analysis of the data to customise the experience makes Kartra stand out. 

5. Videos

Kartra allows you to host and create the course video on its own platform. Why invest on other platforms when one provides you with all features?

Create engaging content, make them highly converting, tag customers and also add CTAs while creating the videos on Kartra.

6. Calendar/ Scheduling/ Booking App

Kartra provides smooth customer relations management. It has an inbuilt calendar app that lets the clients book appointments with you when you are free.

The scheduling app is a great feature to stay connected. It also sends reminders before the meeting.

7. Support and Helpdesk

Kartra has an advanced helpdesk to guide clients and customers. It comes with support tickets and also live chat option. You can connect using phone, skype or support tickets.

Kartra lets you respond to your customers easily. You can set up multiple response areas or pre-recorded answers. You may even integrate a Wikipedia like platform in the helpdesk to allow customers browse for the answer.

8. Affiliate Management Center

Kartra lets you manage the payment, commission and communication with affiliate marketers easily. In this centre, you can recruit and assign links to them as well.

You can yourself act as an affiliate marketer of products launched by other Kartra users. 


These are essential features of LeadPages that come with all plans-

1. Templates and Page Building 

LeadPages offer a wide range of templates for designing the pages. You will feel right at home with the LeadPages editor. You can access a host of widgets, page layouts, page styles and page tracking, integrated with SEO and analytics code. 

The drag and drop features are user friendly and help in building the pages. Start with a 100% blank page and infuse 130+ templates. Spin up new pages and you can design paid templates and edit and publish the text.

Some of the templates include:

  • Checkout Pages
  • Contest Pages
  • Upsell Pages
  • Webinar Pages
  • Thank You Pages
  • Product Launch Pages
  • 404 Pages

2. Tons of Marketing Integration

CRM helps in maintaining customer or client relations management. All the marketing tools like CRM, email marketing, analytics, payment gateways and webinar tools are integrated with the landing pages. LeadPages makes it very easy to build highly converting and hooking websites. 

A lot of website integrations with WordPress, Joomla and so on are also available. 

3. Easy A/B Testing

LeadPages makes it easy to split test and run A/B testing. It allows you to focus on the target audience and increase the conversion rates. 

It is not about building a webpage or a landing page from scratch. A/B testing fine tunes the campaign and makes them highly converting. Landing page A/B testing helps you determine which factors of your page show the highest conversion rate.

4. Analytics

You can install Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel in your LeadPages for third party tracking and analytics. You need to paste the code in the Analytics tab of Settings area recommended to integrate them to LeadPages. Click on Save button and the Update.

LeadPages also includes features of SEO for mobile responsiveness and structured HTML. 

5. Lead boxes

The leadbox is a pop-up window that opens up on your LeadPages window. Visitors click on the designated link, image, button, or text. 

This is where potential subscribers can opt in to download a free e-book or some other content available on your LeadPages website. Leadboxes also works well for images. People tend to click on photos that intrigue them. That makes it a great opportunity for a pop-up, because your site is further engaging with visitors who are showing interest in your images or buttons.

6. Lead links

Leadlink is a one-click sign up feature on LeadPages. It allows the current list of subscribers to join the list of email campaign list. Once the clients have already clicked on the sign up, they do not have to click on it again. 

The lead tools are used to generate leads for the business and develop the sales funnel. They are used to streamline the process of current subscribers, share subscription list with your affiliates and interact with ongoing members.

7. Lead Digits

Lead digits are used in offline marketing in places like-

  • Magazines
  • Radio and TV commercials
  • Billboards
  • Conference slideshows
  • Signage

Create your own text to subscribe to the offers using Lead digits. 

Choose Lead Digits in the menu and click on Create New Lead Digit button. Select the country, phone number and text message that a new subscriber should send. Add the person’s email address to ESP and save your lead digit.

Pricing Structure


Kartra allows a 14-day trial for $1, after which you can choose one of these plans-


This is meant for small businesses that charges you $99 per month, or $79 per month if you choose the annual scheme. You will get 2 membership portals, 20 products, 15000 mails and 2500 contacts.


Pay $199 per month or $149 per month in the annual scheme and get a range of services. Avail unlimited mails, products and membership sites, with 12500 contacts and a bonus of Kartra Agency.


The gold scheme would let you have 25000 contacts and unlimited emails, membership sites, helpdesk sites, products and more. You also have the Kartra agency and 5 custom domains at a rate of $299 per month. If you choose the annual scheme, you will have to pay $249 monthly.


The Platinum scheme is the most expensive with 50000 contacts and unlimited service in other features, with 10 custom domains and the maximum bandwidth. The pocket pinch is $399 per month. Save $1440 a year on choosing the annual scheme.

Kartra in essence offers a 25% discount on the annual scheme.


LeadPages has several pricing structures which offer different ranges- Standard, Pro and Advanced Plans.

Before choosing any of the plans, try the 14-day free trial period to explore the different features that LeadPages has to offer.

Standard Plan

If you are the owner of a small business with just one website, the standard plan is appropriate for you. At the cost of $25 per month billed annually, or $37 per month when billed monthly, you get landing pages, alert bars, pop ups, and unlimited traffic and leads. 

As a beginner, your email list is small. The standard plan will suit your needs and boost your business. High converting landing pages and the social media advertisements on Facebook and Instagram are taken care of by LeadPages.

Along with the integration features, you will also be provided with LeadPages coaching to streamline your marketing in a better course.

Pro Plan

Pay $79 per month in the monthly scheme or $48 per month on opting for the annual scheme. It offers you with-

  • 3 websites
  • Landing pages, Pop-ups, Alert bars
  • Unlimited traffic and leads
  • Free hosting
  • Mobile Responsive Templates
  • Lead Notifications
  • Online sales and payment
  • Standard Integration features
  • Technical support with chat options
  • Email Trigger Links
  • Text Campaigns

In addition to all these features, members who subscribe to the plan are entitled to a custom domain that is renewed annually. Another feature worth mentioning includes unlimited A/B split tests. 

If you opt for the 2-year plan, you will save some more amount by paying $42 per month.

Advanced Plan

Apart from all the features that the standard and pro plans garner, the advanced plan offers-

  • Advanced Integrations with platforms like Marketo, HubSpot and so on
  • Inclusion of 5 Pro Subaccounts that you can share with your team and stay connected by linking them to your main account
  • Extra opt in text message facility will let you capture leads from SMS marketing 
  • 1-on-1 Quick Start Call that allows you to communicate with the LeadPages launch specialist to get guidance for setting up your account

Advanced Plan charges $199 monthly in the annual scheme, while $321 per month in the monthly plan.

Two Sides of the Coin 

Kartra and LeadPages both have their own advantages and disadvantages.



  • Helpdesk with live chat features
  • Membership portal
  • Video hosting
  • Webinar support
  • Sales funnel building
  • Marketing campaigns and funnels
  • Affiliate market management
  • Calendar app for appointment booking


  • Expensive
  • Limited video bandwidth
  • Slows down when updating pages
  • Difficult to link to sales pages
  • Restricted to EST time zone
  • No ability to add more than 4 membership levels



  • Friendly for beginners
  • Templates for page building
  • Lead pages, lead boxes and lead digits
  • Pop-ups and alert boxes
  • Fair pricing
  • Call to Action on Landing Pages
  • Easy split or A/B testing


  • Does not host a webinar
  • No affiliate management system
  • No calendar appointment system
  • Doesn’t support inbuilt video hosting
  • Lack of customisation
  • No enterprise options
  • Limited form options

Final Verdict 

It is tough to decide the winner in a race of two titans. 

While Kartra excels in sales funnel building, LeadPages focuses on building landing pages and customer generation.

Kartra is an advanced marketing solution with a wide range of features integrated in one platform. 

Considering all factors like funnel building, webinar, video hosting, email marketing, lead generation, booking appointments, live 24×7 chat features for communication with client, affiliate marketing and bugs and problems, Kartra is the champion.

Although it is slightly on the expensive side, the range of features it offers and 4-day cash plan compensates for the high amount, ensuring a high return on investment.

However, if you are only looking for page building, stick to LeadPages.

Now, its your turn to be the judge, analyse your needs and embrace one of Kartra or LeadPages. 

Get, set, go!

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