Next Gen eCom Review

Next Gen eCom Review Tanner Planes

Next Gen eCom Review (Tanner Planes Course)

Are you finally jumping on the eCommerce bandwagon? If so, then you’re probably on the market to sign up for some courses to help you get started. However, with a myriad of eCommerce courses available, which will bring you to benefit? And which one is worth your money? 

What is Next Gen eCom?

The Next Gen eCom course by Tanner Planes could be the one for you. If you’re familiar with Tanner Planes, then chances are you’ve heard about his first course, Zero to One Thousand. His first course is still available for purchase, so we will find out if this second course is a follow up to that, or a new and improved version of the first one. This review will go through all the modules offered in the course, and we will also learn more about creator Tanner Planes. Who is he, and should you take his word for success? Keep reading as there will be a final verdict to help you make your decisions.

The Next Gen eCom course is a follow up of YouTuber Tanner Plane’s first program called Zero to One Thousand. He has found success in the eCommerce dropshipping business and is coming out with his strategies so that others can achieve the same success. It comes in 15 modules that aim to be a step by step guide that you can duplicate.

Make sure you read the entire review to make an informed decision if Next Gen eCom by Tanner Planes is right for you or not!

Who is Next Gen eCom for?

The Next Gen eCom review is for anyone looking to get out of mundane routines of going between the home and office like zombies. 

Who is Tanner Planes, The Founder of Next Gen eCom?

The Next Gen eCom course by Tanner Planes could be the one for you. If you’re familiar with Tanner Planes, then chances are you’ve heard about his first course, Zero to One Thousand. His first course is still available for purchase, so we will find out if this second course is a follow up to that, or a new and improved version of the first one. This review will go through all the modules offered in the course, and we will also learn more about creator Tanner Planes. Who is he, and should you take his word for success? Keep reading as there will be a final verdict to help you make your decisions.

The Next Gen eCom course is a follow up of YouTuber Tanner Plane’s first program called Zero to One Thousand. He has found success in the eCommerce dropshipping business and is coming out with his strategies so that others can achieve the same success. It comes in 15 modules that aim to be a step by step guide that you can duplicate.

What is Included in Next Gen eCom?

Tanner Plane’s Next Gen eCom review comes in 15 modules. In each module, you will get around 3 to 6 videos and a bonus slideshow where you get text-based information. Another unique thing about the course is that Tanner’s YouTube drop shipper friends might teach some modules, so that could be interesting. Here’s a brief look into all the modules:

Module 1 consists of 2 videos that offer a brief introduction and an invitation to the private Mastermind group.

Module 2 gives you the basics of the dropshipping business model that includes a general framework of Shopify and automating orders through the fulfillment method.

In Module 3, you will learn the difference between a general and a niche store, to help you decide which one suits you best. You will also learn to research products via Facebook Ads, analyzing other Shopify stores, and using Instagram influencers.

Module 4 will teach you about compelling product images and descriptions that will convert your customers. 

In Module 5, Tanner recommends some essential apps that he and his students have found success with to increase product conversions and collect data. He takes a look at apps such as Privy, Hurrify, Trust Badges, Bold Upsell, and Loox Reviews and explains why you need them.

Module 6 is all about reducing your overall workload by automating the back-end processes of the store. You will learn about email marketing and marketing software called Klaviyo. Tanner is joined by fellow YouTuber Parek Basnet in this module to detail the essential types of emails, such as a welcome series, purchase emails, and an abandoned cart notification.

Module 7 is about branding activities that you should understand before launching your store. You will learn about creating social platforms, adding posts and engagement for credibility, optimizing designs, and even creating an attractive logo.

Module 8 is titled Pre-Launch Checklist, where it covers setting up your Facebook Business Ads Manager and installing the Facebook Pixel software. He also includes the difference and effectiveness with either launching via Instagram influencers or Facebook Ads.

Module 9 onwards talks about marketing strategies, specifically dealing with Instagram influencers. It covers everything from finding profitable influencers and contacting and negotiating with them for your store. You will also learn to create ad copies to maximize conversion.

Module 10 is another marketing strategy, Facebook Ads. In this module, Tanner brings out another two of his YouTube friends Noah Brewer and Dennis White. Learn how to find winning products on Facebook. They cover the mindset you should have as well as the guidelines for product research and product testing. You will also learn to create test campaigns and then analyzing the results.

In Module 11, you learn about the simple methodology of scaling where you can make a sustainable profit from your store. Tanner covers some scaling strategies, including using lookalike audiences. You will also learn to retarget and make custom audiences on Facebook.

Module 12 is a new update module as it’s titled Facebook Ads and Product Research in 2019. Tanner introduces Pioneer and Stalking, two methods to identify new products to sell. This module ranges from calculating budgets to using CBO campaigns.

Module 13 brings another one of Tanner’s friends, Hayden Bowles. The lesson starts with a brief introduction of Hayden before he shows you how he sets up his dropshipping business and his processes. He shares his methods of researching and testing products before sharing his marketing techniques.

In Module 14, Tanner brings Matt Faber to share some different eCommerce marketing methods. Learn about using Vyper Giveaways and the 3×3 Marketing Grid Technique, as well as retargeting. He also talks about ChatBot marketing to ease communication with customers.

The final Module 15 covers strategies for you to ensure the long term success of your store. Learn about automating and outsourcing tasks so that you can focus on the more essential things. 

Lastly, you also get a supplementary section where it includes the most frequently asked questions such as dealing with returns, running out of inventory, etc.

Next Gen eCom Pros & Cons


Personal Experience with Next Gen eCom

Right off the bat I love that it comes with a bonus slideshow so that I can’t print it out and jot down notes as I go along the course. Other than that, the course is priced quite heftily at $497. As someone who’s scoured the internet for information, I know that you can get most of the information on this course for free with just a little digging.

Next Gen eCom Scam?

Nope, Next Gen eCom is not a scam however, there are definitely better courses out there you can get like eCom Elites.

Is there a Discount Code?

There is no discount/coupon for Tanner Planes’s Next Gen eCom course.

There are other sites claiming they either have Next Gen eCom Coupon or Next Gen eCom Discount but, this is definitely not true. Also, Next Gen eCom Nulled or Next Gen eCom Free is not a thing.

Next Gen Ecom Final Verdict

The Next Gen eCom review covers a lot of ground in 15 modules. Let’s first talk about the positive things. I like the fact that it comes with bonus slideshows so that you can print them out and take notes while going through the course. Sadly, this is uncommon and should be adapted to more classes. Another great thing is that the course comes with a support group where you can get further help if needed.

However, although there are 15 modules, the topics covered in each module lack depth, and the information provided is general. That being said, I wouldn’t pay $497, which is the cost of the program for information that I can find for free if I dig a little deeper on the internet. It is also essential to keep in mind that although Tanner has found success in his strategy, it isn’t as easy as merely duplicating it to see results. Every niche is different, and there are a lot of things to take into consideration for your store. 

I reckon there are many other courses out there that would be a bang for your buck as they provide more unique strategies. 

Next Gen eCom Alternative

Now I have personally bought a ton of dropshipping courses out there. I even review a lot of them on my blog. Generally, these gurus try to sell you a lifestyle of getting rich and successful that’s why they charge a ridiculous amount for the information they sell.

Their courses typically aren’t even comprehensive at all. They focus all their efforts trying to market their course so, they can make more money from course sales.

I do however think that dropshipping courses are worth it if they are good. They will save you a ton of time and hassle that’s why I highly recommend a solid dropshipping course.

I have been dropshipping for a long time and I have built profitable stores (I currently do affiliate marketing though) and I highly recommend you check out this course called eCom Elites. (I did a review on this, make sure you read it!)

It’s by Franklin Hatchett who has been doing dropshipping WAY before it was famous. 

This course definitely has helped me increase my eCommerce income before. However, I don’t do dropshipping anymore because I am focused on affiliate marketing.

Now, this is not another expensive garbage guru course. It’s one of the best & most affordable dropshipping / eCommerce course out there.

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