AliExpress Vs Salehoo

AliExpress Vs Salehoo

AliExpress Vs Salehoo: Which Should Is Better? (2021)

Find out whether AliExpress is better than Salehoo or not Below!


With both being among the most popular services for finding products and suppliers for dropshippers, it’s common for people to wonder which one is the best option for their own business.

Before we start, I personally advocate the use of both platforms since you can take advantage of the strengths from the two platforms while keeping you from having to put up with most of the weaknesses.

However, for education’s sake, let’s see how they’re different and similar.

As a disclosure: the two platforms aren’t really aiming towards the same audience. Someone looking through AliExpress is probably not searching for the same things as someone looking through Salehoo.

About Salehoo

Salehoo is basically a huge database filled with dropshippers, liquidators, wholesalers, and manufactures that you can research with a simple search engine.

The platform only allows for verified suppliers, and the team behind its development and maintenance curates all options before including them. That immediately means one headache from AliExpress off the table.

You also have access to global suppliers, not just from China or India. You can find cerified wholesalers near your country to speed up your products’ shipment.

However, you have to pay for the platform. You either pay yearly fees or a one off payment for access. You also get access to the lab section with promising products and additional training, which makes it more than just a wholesaler catalogue.

Finally, there’s no automation here for websites from the likes of AliDropShip or Shopify. That means that you’ll have to work more personally on order fulfillment than if you imported from AliExpress with apps like Oberlo.

About AliExpress

This is the smaller version of Alibaba, and it works like Amazon or eBay in that you can buy smaller amounts of items, even just 1.

This is an Easter-dominated platform, with mostly Chinese stores. This means extremely low prices all around the platform. That’s why the platform has become so popular these last years, coupled with the fact that sellers don’t care about where they have to ship as long as they get paid.

That means that people with a business mindset can take advantage of that and sell hundreds of products for low prices all around the world, especially thanks to the great shipping deals between China and a lot of countries.

AliExpress also owes a lot eCommerce platforms like Shopify, which thanks to tools like AliDropShip, have able to automate product imports significantly. This automation goes from store display to sending the orders to suppliers.

Everyone can buy on AliExpress, and you don’t have to pay for joining the platform or browsing the products. However, it’s quite the minefield, ou need to be careful. There can be hundreds of sellers offering the same product while saying they’re the original provider.

That’s something that you can’t, sadly, vaildate easily.


Honestly, there’s not a winner in this competition, because you can’t declare a winner when both are great for different purposes.

If you want to stay clear from cheap products that might take a lot of time when shipping (and never messing with low-quality items or scammers), then Salehoo is the winner for you.

However, if you’re just entering the business or want to keep your profit margins as high as possible, then AliExpress wins the race.

Still, Salehoo means sacrificing profit margins for safety, and AliExpress is the opposite: trade safety for profits. Everything comes down to it in the end.

Your objective should always be to offer high quality products from reputable sellers, though. That remains true for all platforms and all businesses.

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